Community Redevelopment Authority

The Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA) was established by the Hastings City Council in March of 1987 and is charged with the conservation and rehabilitation of substandard or blighted areas within the City.  The Authority is a five-member board appointed to serve by the Mayor and City Council and may exercise all of the power and authority granted by State Statutes.  The CRA meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at the Chamber Development Center located at 301 S. Burlington.  Current Authority members are:

Authority Members Year Appointed Term Expires
Dick Hysell, Chairman 11/01/2022 11/01/2027
Kaleena Fong 10/01/2024 11/01/2029
Dan Schwartzkopf 11/01/2023 11/01/2028
Becky Sullivan 04/11/2022 11/01/2027
Rick Klamm 01/25/2015 11/01/2025

The Authority utilizes several development tools to assist developers with commercial, industrial, or residential projects within the eighteen redevelopment areas it serves.  

Projects applying for CRA assistance must qualify by meeting certain criteria.

  • The project must be located within an existing redevelopment area or an area eligible for a designation of blight as set forth by State Statute.

  • The project must be located within a redevelopment area prior to the preparation of a Redevelopment Plan.

  • The project must further the objectives of the City's Redevelopment Plan for the area as well as the City's Comprehensive Plan.

Over the past three decades, CRA projects have added over $135,000,000 in new valuation to the community and assisted with the construction of over 834 affordable housing units.

Several incentives are available through the Community Redevelopment Authority to assist small businesses and developers within the Central Business District boundaries and other redevelopment areas.